The proposed Craig Y Perthi Solar Farm which would be built around the village of Bishton if planning is approved by Welsh Government has now had its plans accepted by PEDW.

Information about the proposed solar farm is available on the developer’s website: Home – Craig Y Perthi Solar Farm

The Planning Notice and all relevant documents can now be viewed on the Welsh Planning Portal: – Search DNS/3279787

A Public meeting was held by Bishton Community Council on the 27th August 2024 to gauge how residents felt about the development. BCC have been aware that a local group has been established to lobby against the development taking place. Given the responses from members of the public at the meeting BCC has written to PEDW to object to the development on the following grounds:

  • The overall impact of the rural village of Bishton and the affects on the area’s rustic aesthetic
  • Concerns over the impact of construction vehicles on local infrastructure, air quality, noise impact and ecology
  • Concerns over the commitment to biodiversity areas as evidenced by neglect in developments previously built by the same firm
  • Concerns over the ongoing cost of maintenance and general upkeep of the proposed habitat sites, orchards, footpaths and ecological areas
  • Concerns over the overall impact on the Gwent Wetlands and its SSSI status
  • The potential diminishing impact on local farmland and soil quality

Members of the community are invited and welcome to lodge their own comments with PEDW using the links above.

The video below contains further information on the site and gives a good visual representation of the impact it would have on Bishton. Please note, the video has been made by the ‘Stop CYP’ Solar Group so may contain views or statements that have not been endorsed by members of BCC. The video is being shared to aid in the provision of information and visual aids only.